We're All the Same
The sun is high up in the sky
So strong, so revealing, so scandalous.
Look at it smiling that callous smirk,
Look at it beeping through every latch
And then laughing in a frenzy state
At the grievous cries of a ragged soul,
At the bad luck of an ambitious youngster
At the regrets of a naive heart.
Just look at it!!
Can't you see it burning the walkers on the sidewalk?
Those who are celebrating a temporary achievement
(Soon forgotten in the rush of all the other unique temporary achievements),
Those who are wandering in search for an answer,
Their minds far away in the land of "whys and hows",
Blabbering loud ambiguous murmurs,
So lost in the middle of themselves.
Look at the fiendish blaze,
The curt chuckles of its diabolic progeny;
Those flashes in a dark soul sunk in disappointment,
Those giggles at the futile cries bellowed in vain.
Oh wicked sun trifling with people's tenor,
I hate you for not hating me, for not loving me,
For your intentional ignorance of my petty existence.
Smell my pain, my chagrin and frustration.
Taste the empty smiles,
The assuring words of consolation
I throw up on others
While deep inside nausea is smothering me.
Every second that passes kills a sense in me,
Till my wraith leaves my corpse in search for another,
One more ready to savour ecstasy, dejection, fiasco and success;
One more ready to take risks, to love, to hate, to confront oneself;
One more ready to live.
When it does dear sun, don't forget to wear it out;
To laugh at its grievous cries,
To mock its bad luck,
And to scandalise its regrets.
Let it feel itself fizzling out,
Dispersing hastily on the chairs of its favourite restaurant,
On the greyish stones of its favourite sidewalk,
Stepped on by those it most despises.
Oh wicked sun trifling with people's tenor,
Don't disappoint me,
Smash it like you've smashed me;
Leave that guileless body as naked as you have left mine.
Thank you, old friend!
So strong, so revealing, so scandalous.
Look at it smiling that callous smirk,
Look at it beeping through every latch
And then laughing in a frenzy state
At the grievous cries of a ragged soul,
At the bad luck of an ambitious youngster
At the regrets of a naive heart.
Just look at it!!
Can't you see it burning the walkers on the sidewalk?
Those who are celebrating a temporary achievement
(Soon forgotten in the rush of all the other unique temporary achievements),
Those who are wandering in search for an answer,
Their minds far away in the land of "whys and hows",
Blabbering loud ambiguous murmurs,
So lost in the middle of themselves.
Look at the fiendish blaze,
The curt chuckles of its diabolic progeny;
Those flashes in a dark soul sunk in disappointment,
Those giggles at the futile cries bellowed in vain.
Oh wicked sun trifling with people's tenor,
I hate you for not hating me, for not loving me,
For your intentional ignorance of my petty existence.
Smell my pain, my chagrin and frustration.
Taste the empty smiles,
The assuring words of consolation
I throw up on others
While deep inside nausea is smothering me.
Every second that passes kills a sense in me,
Till my wraith leaves my corpse in search for another,
One more ready to savour ecstasy, dejection, fiasco and success;
One more ready to take risks, to love, to hate, to confront oneself;
One more ready to live.
When it does dear sun, don't forget to wear it out;
To laugh at its grievous cries,
To mock its bad luck,
And to scandalise its regrets.
Let it feel itself fizzling out,
Dispersing hastily on the chairs of its favourite restaurant,
On the greyish stones of its favourite sidewalk,
Stepped on by those it most despises.
Oh wicked sun trifling with people's tenor,
Don't disappoint me,
Smash it like you've smashed me;
Leave that guileless body as naked as you have left mine.
Thank you, old friend!